High school football doc Undefeated has been purchased by the Weinstein Co., the film's co-director Dan Lindsay announced to a small group of viewers at the Westgate following Monday's screening. The film premiered Sunday night with some of the players in attendance. It follows an inner city Memphis team as it aims to win district and then win its first playoff game ever in the school's more than 100 year history. The filmmakers said the project began after they spotted an article about a football player who had moved in with a coach a la The Blind Side. Instead they found their main focus in a charismatic and chubby redhead who volunteered to coach the team. Lindsay said they watched other sports docs while spending eight months immersed in the high school team's season, but their greatest inspiration came from the film Glory and its powerful third act.
The film that was shown was just completed Thursday night, Lindsay said.
That's just great!!!!!!!