Sunday, May 2, 2010

Excellent writer Carolyn Osborn releases first novel

She's had four short story collections and is acclaimed as one of Texas' premier purveyors of the form, so it's hard to believre Carolyn Osborn's novel Uncertain Ground is her first in print. Bookpeople quickly ran out of books tonight and her publisher had to step in with more. The line continued for more than an hour and a half.

Carolyn is a frequent guest speaker to my college-level creative writing and literature classes, so I was pleased to be there for her moment.

Carolyn's daughter Claire Osborn is an Austin American-Statesman reporter, and on hand were a lot of her fellow Statesman writers including Mary Ann Roser, left, and Eileen Flynn, right. In the middle here is the paper's former longtime society columnist (and incredibly nice person) Lee Kelly. It was great to see her.

Oh, and while there I signed a few copies of my novel-in-stories EVACUATION PLAN. If you want an autographed copy, you couldn't buy it from a better place than Bookpeople.

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