Tuesday, May 4, 2010

'True Grit' hangs 3 men in Granger, TX

There was a triple hanging on the set of True Grit in Granger, Texas, today. The man in the middle cried uncontrollably before taking the big fall!

Filming in the town is expected to end by Thursday, when action moves to Blanco for courthouse scenes. Thanks to the kind reader who passed on these great pix! I'll be posting more from the Granger filming tomorrow. (Look closely at the bottom photos here. Is that Jeff Bridges with the white beard and wearing a straw cowboy hat?)

Three men were hung in Granger.

These dummies really took the fall.

The hanging drew a crowd of extras.

Lots of extras on the street.

Playing an Indian who hooted and hollered during the hanging was Jonathan Joss, best known as the voice of John Redcorn on King of the Hill.

Some other shots from Monday and Tuesday's filming at the gallows:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, although three stuntmen actually took the fall in the hanging scene. The dummies were only used as stand-ins while the gallows set was being rigged.
