Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Statesman death watch: A dozen from the newsroom take the buyout

That's the word from friends on the inside. The names I'm hearing are great losses of institutional memory for the Austin American-Statesman and a continuation of the national story of the death of the daily American newspaper.

The unconfirmed (but almost certain) takers include former M.E. and now editorial page writer David Lowery; longtime EXCELLENT features editor Ed Crowell; three genius old-school reporters/editors, Jim Phillips, Bruce Hight, Bob Banta and Laylan Copelan; plus a few of the less-known but very hard-working folks from the copy editing ranks. That's in addition to Ben Sargent and Diane Holloway, whom I previously mentioned.

Good news if there is any? No one from sports is biting (I expected Kirk Bohls to bite) and John Kelso is staying put.

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