His eye is swollen and we have to keep ointment on it because it won't completely shut for a while, but he's mainly been in great spirits all day before crashing for naps. We've been offering him multiple showings of Elmo's World from the Tivo, but he'd prefer to play. What a tough guy...
In the bottom photo in the recovery room, you can see the dinosaur-patterned splints on his arms to keep him from messing with his eyes. We take him back tomorrow morning for a brief exam with the surgeon.

Glad to hear the news that surgery seemed to go well, and he's responding like the great little trooper he is! I'm also glad that you seem to have had a good relationship with his medical team -- that's really such a comfort and blessing. Happy healing, Nicholas!
Geez, these pictures make me want to cry. It must have been so scary to see him riding off in that little wagon.
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